Friday 28 December 2012

Rumored specs of Fuji X20

It seems that Fujifilm use 2/3" sensor in 'Fuji X20', replacement of Fujifilm X10 (Mirrorless Rumors). This is great news because all other manufactures reduced the sensor size in current models of advanced compact cameras. If true, kudos to Fujifilm! The MPs go up to 14 (I guess it is unavoidable, people need more MP :( ), but the most interesting update is the lens: 24-120mm (eqv) F1.8-2.8. If true, the  new lens gains on both wide and tele end of the zoom range and essentially maintain the brightness. No word on build-in neutral density filter. Well, Fuji XF1 has build-in ND, and hopefully the 'X20' will have one, too. Why it is important: the speed of a leaf shutter depends on aperture, and on Fuji X10 the maximal shutter speed at F2.0 is about 1/1000. Obviously,  on sunny day this is not enough, and sometimes the aperture must be closed to >5. The ND filter reduces amount of light and allows to take pictures at bright light with open aperture (good for background). I am also curious about Supermacro option. Even at 28mm (eqv), as on Fuji X10, the front element is very close to object. I hope that in 'Fuji X20' Supermacro mode is not implemented at 24mm (eqv). No word for screen (tiltable of fixed). My guess is fixed, to keep the size down. 

It seems that the replacement of Fuji X10 will keep the optical viewfinder. I practically do not use OVF on Fuji X10: it is small, does not show accurate framing, has no information whatsoever, not even focus point or focus confirmation. It is still useful on sunny day. 

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