Tuesday 18 December 2012

Lenses for X mount

Brachychiton discolor
Brachychiton discolor | Olympus E-30 & ZUIKO 50-200mm SWD

In last three weeks I used exclusively Fuji X-E1. The X-E1 wins over my Olympus DSLR in noise, high iso, dynamic range, resolution. However, I can put ZUIKO 50-200mm F2.8-F3.5 SWD on my E-30 while Fujifilm right now does not have similar lens. The release of XF55-200mm F3.5-F4.8 OIS is planned for the first half of 2013, and this lens probably will make me happy. At the moment I just cannot get enough reach with the Fujinon XF18-55mm, and this is a real issue for me. In addition, the XF18-55mm lens does not focus close enough. I have impression that Olympus ZUIKO 14-54mm F2.8-F3.5 gives a better magnification. To be fair, ZUIKO 14-54mm F2.8-F3.5 Mkv I shows some chromatic aberrations on 12MP sensor in Olympus E-30, so there is always some compromises. The "standard" zoom range of XF18-55mm is somewhat boring. Very often I want to go tele (as for picture above) or wider (second image in this post would be better at wide angle). In some situations it is very difficult to zoom with your legs unless you can jump for two meters :-)

Annona sp.
Mountain soursop | Olympus E-30 & ZUIKO 50-200mm SWD

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