Thursday 6 December 2012

High iso images from Fuji X-E1

Rainforest at the Lamington national park
Rainforest | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm, iso 3200 exposure compensation -0.7

Lamington national park is one of my favorite place around Brisbane in summer. Located on McPherson Range at elevation of around 1000 meters above the sea level, the park contain big area of subtropical rainforest. Most walks start at two main entry points, Green Mountains (O'Reilly) and Binna Burra. While the park is extremely poplar, majority of the visitors do not walk on long tracks.

These pictures were taken on Coomera track at Binna Burra section of the park during my walk on December 1, 2012. It was my first day out with Fuji X-E1 and XF18-55mm lens. I've already posted my first impressions from new camera. Here I added couple high iso hand-held photos.

Tree ferns
Tree ferns | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm, iso 500, 1/30 sec. 

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