Wednesday 12 December 2012

Puzzling features of the Fuji X-E1 UI

Eastern Water Dragon
Eastern Water Dragon | Fuji X10 & XF18-55mm, GIMP

I have Fuji X-E1 for couple weeks now. While I am generally happy with the photos, some aspects of camera controls are really puzzling. The user interface is similar to Fuji X10, another Fuji camera in our household, so it is not completely new to me. Actually, the UI of Fuji X10 was one of the factors influenced my decision to buy the X-E1. As a whole, I like the UI of Fuji X-E1 but I have impression that the available controls are under-utilised in this camera.
I wrote about "dead" rear dial in Aperture priority mode in the previous post but it is not the only situation where the command dial is inactive. For example, it is impossible to change the exposure mode (average / spot / multi) by dial, only by four-way controller. The true for for ISO (through Fn button) and DRIVE mode.

Another amazing thing: in the Preview (View?) mode the high magnification of the photo can be achieved by pressing the rear dial. This is very clever option. But it is impossible delete zoomed-in image! You need to press the dial again, and only at that stage the photo can be deleted. ???? The same true for Fuji X10: I cannot delete zoomed-in photos on the camera.

Maybe it is just me being a bit slow with learning :~) After all, it took some time for me to figure out how to display the histogram in the viewfinder: pressing the DISP / BACK button _with_active_ EVF changes the view option. It is logical (once you figure it out :~)).

As for things like autofocus… It is quite windy here in Brisbane. Sometimes the flowers I am trying to focus move out of frame completely because of wind. The camera can focus in such conditions. Obviously, not every time it focuses on the right object but frankly, the conditions are tough. It is not a problem for me to take several images. But I don't need a continuous autofocus and do not shoot birds in flight. For static objects the autofocus on Fuji X-E1 is OK for me.

Citycat | Fuji X10 & XF18-55mm, GIMP

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