Tuesday 27 November 2012

Still waiting for the X-E1 zoom kit in Australia

I am still reading posts written by new E-X1 owners from around the globe except for Australia: no sign of the Fuji X-E1 zoom kit in Brisbane yet. Australia got X-E1 body only long time ago but the zoom lens is apparently not here yet.

I am amazed by the fact that the majority of people posted on Fujifilm X forum at the DPReview site are happy with X-E1. Obviously, it would not be the DPReview forum without any complains. First, some people are not happy with slow change of the picture in the viewfinder with rapid change of the lightning (from shade to sunlit area). It seems that the camera has some sort of buffering for the exposure  adopted from the X-Pro1. Similar question posted on the DPReview forum resulted in several dozen comments but without explanation of the problem :~). Then, the autofocus: current mirrorless cameras do not match DSLRs in autofocus speed (but Nikon 1 came close). Also, mirrorless cameras use a different method for autofocus and require slightly different tricks for the best performance (my old post with the links). The same story about short battery life: true for most CSC with very few exceptions such as big Pentax K-01 and Nikon 1 V1. On X-E1 the battery life can be slightly improved by switching off "fast wake up" mode.

Another well written review of Fuji X-E1, by Martin Castein: [the camera] "makes you fall in love with photography all over again". That is exactly how I feel about Fuji X10.

But our Fuji X10 went on long trip, and I left with heave Olympus E-30 which make my eyes sore. I wish it would have a viewfinder of a full frame camera...

At the UQ lake
At the UQ lakes | Olympus E-30

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