Friday 16 November 2012

Compulsory reading

Here we go: link. Camera Obsession Disorder, Gear Acquisition Syndrome, quest for the ultimate IQ - you name it. I've thought about writing something similar but these guys put all things together, and they did it right.

I am curious why cameras are so important for men? (it is save to assume that the vast majority of people affected by Camera Obsession Disorder are men). Is it some kind of sublimation of a perfect hunting tool? It is irrational: people spend insane amount of time online reading about cameras instead of doing photography. Well, it is not about photography, it is about the ultimate IQ in the best camera. And it should run on Android :)

Well, at least I do take pictures :) I think it is because of the camera. It is joy to use, it is relatively small and light, and on top of it the camera produces very satisfactory photos. While I expect that X-E1 will be much better for landscapes than Fuji x10, I doubt that X-E1 will much convenience and supermacro mode of Fuji X10. The depth of field at 28mm eqv. on Fuji X10 is just hard to beat with big sensor.

As for picture: Velvia (photo below) produces very punchy and eye catching colors while Provia images appear somewhat  dull but have natural colours.

Tipuana and Tabebuia
Tipuana and Tabebuia at St Lucia | Fuji X10

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