Friday 16 November 2012

FUJINON XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS

More reports on Fuji's XF18-55mm lens appeared on the Fujifilm X dpreview forum. It looks like the early adopters are very impressed with the lens. It is sharp and reasonably speedy. It is the first time I see mainly happy posters on this forum. Granted, I do not follow the forum for a long time but it is a huge contrast with periods of Sticky Aperture Blades (SAB on Fuji X100) or White Orbiting Disks (ORBs of X10) discussions. It seems that Fujifilm done it just right that time. Or maybe people are just busy discussing the dust spots on Nikon D600 :-)

Unfortunately, the zoom lens is apparently not yet available here in Down Under. Ted's Cameras still lists Fuji X-E1 zoom kit only as pre-order only. Bodies only (X-E1) are available in Brisbane for some time, in shops such as Digital Camera Warehouse. Unless the company has a stockpile of XF18-55mm lenses, the demand probably outstrip the supply for some time as it was the case with Fuji X100. Our Fuji X10 is going on big trip next week, and might be left with Olympus X-30 only :(. It would not prevent me from taking pictures :-)

Rowing at Brisbane river | Olympus E-30, ZUIKO 50-200mm SWD

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