Friday 23 November 2012

Dead End for Fujifilm X-Trans sensor

If I got it right, according to this post on the dpreview forum, the X-Trans sensor is doomed (to extinction) because Fujifilm does not provide any information about their efforts (if any) to get support for raw data conversion by Photo Ninja software. Frankly, I do sympathise with the author of this statement despite the fact that I never heard about Photo Ninja before. There was a Noise Ninja (if I remember the name correctly), and probably some other Ninjas, too. It is not the point.

Imagine that someone had mastered the art of raw processing, and - ooops - the raw files from a new camera are not supported by the workflow. Technically, the problem can be solved by modification of the workflow or by avoiding a new (non-supported) camera altogether, but obviously both solutions are unacceptable. The third way is a class action to push either software developers or camera makers to have "their work done" (get the files supported).

We live in time when even airplanes were changed to fit the software because it was cheaper to change the plane design. The software can be really complicated.

I don't understand why I am reading such threads :-(((

It was such a relief for me to change back to JPEG shooting with Fuji X10. I hope that OOC JPEGs from Fujifilm X-E1 also will be adequate for my needs. I tend to shoot raw with Olympus E-30 to tweak the white balance / colors but  JPEG engine in Fuji X10 works well in most situations. Probably with more capable cameras such as Nikon D700 I would shoot raw, too, - the amount of recoverable details from D700 raw files is simply amazing. Or maybe JPEG and RAW combination because I am really lazy with the image processing.

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