Tuesday 6 November 2012

Fuji X-E1 vs Olympus OM-D E-M5: link

Lets promote interesting things on the web :)

I came across a very lengthly thread on Micro Four Thirds forum discussing merits of Fujifilm X-E1 and Olympus OM-D E-M5. There are over 20 "pages", and I have not read all comments.

There are posts by users of Olympus and Fuji cameras (but for Fuji it is mainly X-Pro1). There are some very interesting opinions on "gear lust" and some other things. I am really glad to see someone admitting that photographic skills are the limiting factor in getting better picture not the camera capability which is fully applicable for me. As for gear acquisition syndrome: you need to enjoy the thing. My Olympus E-30 is a better camera than my previous Olympus DSLR but I do not enjoy it as much as the E-500, and as a result it generally stays at home. I probably would be happier with a smaller model such as E-620 but it is too late to go 4/3 route. Sensors are better now, mirrorless CSC are getting better, too. Even advanced compact cameras were revived from a nearly complete extinction and flourished in recent years. One of these, Fuji X10, makes me happy. While OM-D E-M5 is one of the best "advanced" CSC, I am not sure that I would enjoy as much as Fuji X10. I do like PENs, and would consider E-PL5 over OM-D E-M5 because of form/size and price. But I don't like the external controls in E-PL cameras. The touch screen may solve the problem of external control, but it is hard to say how it will work for me. I do like the layout of Fuji X-E1 which is similar to that of the X10, but I have not tried the camera with FX 18-55mm F2.8-4 lens yet. Frankly, I was surprised with a relatively small size of the X-E1. On photographs the rectangular body creates an impression of the fairly bulky camera.

Now about serious stuff: The Fuji X-E1 is an interesting camera by Kirk Tuck. I really like his writing style.

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