Saturday 24 November 2012

Recommended compact cameras from the DPReview

DPReview published the list of recommended compact cameras (with zoom lens).  Canon PowerShot G15 with 28-140mm (eqv) F1.8-2.8 lens and Olympus XZ-2 are on the top of the list. Surprisingly Nikon P7700 have not made it at all.

Interestingly, it is one of the most commented recent posts on the DPReview site despite the falling sales of compact cameras.  

I was surprised with the image quality and general usability of modern compact cameras after getting the Fuji X10. As many other people I tend to leave a heavy DSLR camera at home, but a compact camera can be in my backpack at any day because size and weight is not an issue anymore. I shoot a lot of macro (flowers and plants in general for identification) and prefer to have a big depth of field. Fortunately, every essential camera maker created at least one advanced compact, so we can choose what we like. Personally I enjoy "snobbish" retro-looking manual-zoom button-driven Fuji X10. I bet the image quality is more or less the same in advanced cameras, such as Canon G15 or Olympus XZ-2, so for me the choice is boiled down to the handling if the specs are more or less similar. For example, I like bright lens, and do not value portability much, so for me Canon S100 or Sony RX100 are not really attractive models. My dream camera would be Nikon-made "Fuji X10"- style compact camera with 1" sensor and two supermacro modes at wide and long ends of the zoom range. Just make a decent lens for it, not f3.5-5.6 kit type thing. As all-in-one solution it will be a dream camera for people like me. No need for a dedicated macro lens, big DoF, reasonable image quality. 

Can any camera maker create a camera for the happy bugs shooters?  

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