Monday 29 October 2012

Infrared with Fuji X10

Fuji X10, Hoya R72, Auto WB, GIMP

Brisbane finally got some clouds, and I took some infrared pictures with Fuji X10 using Hoya R72 filter and small Manfrotto digital tripod . It was windy, so the foliage is blurry. More pictures were posted on my flickr account.

I still cannot figure out how to use Fuji X10 for infrared. Maybe I should do more post-processing in GIMP, not just level adjustment.

For infrared shooting I generally use Black and White R mode on Fuji X10 at base iso. The photo above was taken with Auto white balance, but use of a custom WB with a low value on Kelvin scale (2500K) gives better structure / resolution for clouds on sunny day.

House in the bush
Fuji X10, Hoya R72, Custom WB, GIMP

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