Saturday 13 October 2012

Sigma DP2M, again

SoundImagePlus blog got several very interesting posts on Sigma DP2M (DP2 Merrill). Another link.

I was very tempted with Sigma DP2M. The images from Foveon sensor have certain "character", and some people just get hooked on it. Capture of full color at every pixel and lack of anti-aliasing filter results in very sharp images. I have couple posts with links to the DP2M images (click on Sigma DP2 Merrill tag at the bottom of the page).

I just don't feel that DP2M suits my current needs. Most of my pictures were taken as snapshots during lunch walks or in local city parks. Occasionally I go on photo trips to national parks but it does not happen often now. I cannot spend significant proportion of time on image processing as I used to do. Now I really appreciate JPEGs from Fuji X10 which requires just cropping and resizing.

So, on my occasional trips to rainforest I will carry Olympus E-30 with two lenses and big tripod. 

Rainforest on the Border track
Misty Rainforest | Olympus E-30

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