Wednesday 17 October 2012

Fuji X-E1: nearly there

Fuji X-E1 (zoom kits and body only) is available for pre-order in Ted's Cameras. In Australia E-X1 body is priced essentially identical to Fuji X-Pro1, so people who want to have an hybrid viewfinder and slightly bigger camera do not need to pay more, and with the firmware 2.0 X-Pro1 the focus speed is better.

It seems that some scam / dodgy trading is going on with "used Fuji X-E1 zoom kits". Another reason to buy cameras in local shops.

Photos taken with FX 18-55mm are on flickr. Not originals but the amount of details is very impressive. Both lens and camera (X-E1) are labelled as pre-production units. The comments & opinion on camera / zoom lens from the author of the photographs / early tester are here.

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