Thursday 11 October 2012

Fuji X-E1 zoom kit in Australia

It seems that Fuji X-E1 kit with XF 18-55mm F2.8-4.0 zoom lens will be available in nearby future very soon because it is listed in PhotoContinental. It is big and reputable camera shop in Brisbane, with long history in photo business. Their price for the zoom kit is slightly lower than in another Brisbane shop, CameraPro, and comparable to the US prices in shops like Adorama (add 10% GST). Kudos to Fujifilm!

According to Fuji Rumors, the zoom kit will be available in Japan on November 17. One Sydney/on-line camera shop (Dirt Cheap Cameras) also expects to get X-E1 with zoom lens in November.

I am curious why X-E1 kits with prime lenses are not offered in Australia or US. Obviously, it is possible to buy body and lens separately but at least in Australia the price will be essentially identical to similar kit with Fuji X-Pro1 (see prices at CameraPro).

Useful links for X system:
flickr group dedicated to XF 18-55mm F2.8-4.0 lens - at the time of writing just several mainly high iso images
Forum for Fuji X system - all news are there
X lenses tests on Photozone - my favorite site for lens tests
Fujifilm's official page for digital camera and lenses: specs, lens roadmap etc

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