Wednesday 22 February 2012

Traditional lunch walk with the Fuji X10

Young leaves | Herston, February 20, 2012 | flickr

The Fuji X10 is a quite unusual camera. People have very polarized opinions on it. Some are very happy with the pictures from the camera while others are extremely dissatisfied. I bet members on both sides would be happy not to have the sensor blooming issue but for many people the orbs do not create problems. Here I am talking about my personal experience, and I would like to repeat that many people are genuinely unhappy with the orbs in their images. Because majority of my pictures taken with the X10 do not have orbs, I am very pleased with the camera. In last few months I took more images with the X10 than with Olympus E-30. I really like colors in OOX JPEGs from the X10, and the size and weight of the X10 are the obvious advantages over DSLR. In most situations the quality of images from X10 is very good for me. For the web or monitor 12MP are more than enough.

I do prefer the quality of images from the X100 (it is just in different league) but the X100 costs twice as much. I bought the X10 as a family camera, and for us it suits this role better than the X100 (video, zoom). And I am scared by sticky blades problem in the X100....

As for pictures... On the top, I guess it is Syzygium sp, from Myrtaceae family. EXIF: iso 100, 1/100 sec, F2.5, 17.3mm, resized in GIMP + unsharpen mask.

Callistemon | Herston, February 20, 2012 | flickr

The Callistemon picture was taken at iso 200 (accidentally) 1/1100 sec, F5.6, Supermacro mode. 

Grevillea | Herston, February 20, 2012 | flickr
ISO 100, 1/1700 sec, F4.0, Supermacro mode. It was windy.
I usually use spot metering with exposure compensation if needed and central focal point.

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