Tuesday 14 February 2012

Olympus XZ-1 and Fujifilm X10

The proper title for this post probably should be something like this: why I recommend Olympus XZ-1 to other people if I have Fuji X10 :-)

When XZ-1 was released I was very tempted (with such lens!) but have not bought it. Several month ago I bought Fuji X10 but I cannot say that the X10 was bought instead of XZ-1. The X10 supposed to be a new camera for my wife. She had used Fuji camera before, and we decided to buy Fuji. It turned out that we both love this cam.

For me Fuji X10 has the following advantages over Oly XZ-1: manual zoom lens, ability to add filter on lens (with step-up ring) and better controls. Just in case: it is possible to add filter on XZ-1 using adapter but the camera will not fit into pocket anymore. At time of purchase I also valued an optical viewfinder on the X10 but it turned out that I use mainly LCD monitor. IMHO, in term of image quality all advanced compacts are quite similar. I have impression that Fuji X10 has somewhat better control of chromatic aberrations than the XZ-1. It might be a little bit better at higher iso, too. I am very happy with OOC JPEGs from the X10.

But recently I recommended Olympus XZ-1 to my friends. Why? First, it is nearly twice cheaper in Australia at the moment. Second, my friend will use the camera in Auto mode, so the external controls are not really important. Third, it is a pocketable camera (very important). Fourth, the lens is better than on Canon S90/100 (also pocketable camera). I also warn my friend about the orbs issue. 

And in the same time I tried to buy a second Fuji X10 on ebay for myself... The auction was canceled.

1 comment:

  1. I would never, EVER recommend the Fuji X10 to anyone I considered a friend. The terrible orb problem is just so disappointing. A full 30% or my images so far have orbs in them. I cant believe such an expensive camera fails so often.
