Friday 24 February 2012

Sunset, bats, and the Fuji X10

Flying foxes over Brisbane | Herston, February 23, 2012 | flickr

The best camera is a camera you have with you. This light lasted just for few minutes, and fortunately the Fuji X10 was with me that day. Sunset mode, 1/110 sec, F2.5, iso 100. I have not noticed that the exposure compensation dial was moved to +0.3. The image was cropped in GIMP, resized and the unsharpen mask was applied. Click on image to see the flying foxes.

In past several days the sunsets around Brisbane were very spectacular. Right now it is raining for several hours, and some suburbs already got over 50mm since 9am, and our place got about 30mm. I am curious to see if it will match overnight the January 25 rainfall when the city got about 170mm in 24 hours...   

back to photos :-) The image below was cropped on one side: there was a light pole. I probably can clone it out, but I like such long image. Araucarias are very tall trees with characteristic branches. 

Hoop pines at sunset | Herston, February 23, 2012 | flickr


  1. The latest DPR article has posted clearly that the X10's much anticipated firmware update does NOTHING to solve the orb problem. And as such, a mass storm of comments has erupted, the majority from disgruntled owners who are furious with Fujifilm's pathetic efforts to solve this problem.

    1. Thanks for the link! I just wrote a small post about the latest dpreview finding. I am very concerned with huge difference in orbs appearance between the X10 cameras. I have not checked the forum but I would expect to see the fury erupted over that.

      The X11 might the the only solution for the company...
