Monday 13 February 2012

Fuji X10 at sunset

 Sunset in Herston | February 13, 2012 | flickr

Both pictures were taken with Fuji X10 at Sunset settings/preset, OOC JPEGs were resized in GIMP and unsharpen mask was applied. I have posted several other pictures from the same day on flickr.

The pictures were taken under the rain, and I had an umbrella in one hand, and the camera in another. I screwed up the ID of the tree:  it is Hoop pine not Bunya pine. It is different Araucaria species.

Hoop pine | Herston, February 13, 2012 | flickr


  1. Both of those are very nice images.

    1. Thank you! The clouds were very spectacular, but the scene lasted just few minutes.

  2. Replies
    1. These are resized OOC JPEGs; I just pressed the button :)
