Wednesday 18 January 2012

When the night comes to Brisbane

 Brown Huntsman Spider, Heteropoda jugulans. January 11, 2012 | flickr

Night life is very prolific during wet season in the South East Queensland, including Brisbane. Giant spiders wander inside houses, cane toads are coming in great numbers, and numerous Asian House Geckos stay close to windows in order to catch insects.

All pictures were taken with the Fuji X10 in Aperture priority mode using on-board flash. The upper image was taken in Macro mode at maximal focal length. The JPEGs were cropped and resized. The image with Brown Huntsman Spider (above) was processed in GIMP a little bit, the levels were adjusted, and unsharpen mask was applied. You can click on the images to see a bigger picture.

I am very pleased how the X10 works with its tiny flash including the metal door/window frame on the photo below. The highlights were clipped very nicely in this picture.

Brown Huntsman Spider and three Asian Hause Geckos, January 11, 2012

Brown Huntsman Spider and Asian Hause Geckos, January 11, 2012 | flickr

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