Tuesday 24 January 2012

Fuji X10 at night

Reminiscence | January 20, 2012 | flickr

Shot with Fuji X10, iso 200, F4.5, 1/1.4 sec, exposure compensation -2.0, at 12 megapixels in aperture priority mode. I like "ghost" pair walking along the river. The image made up a story in my mind, and it somehow associates with Amarcord.

And yes, the orbs do present in this photo :-) The whole image was ruined by nasty white discs.

Just in case: I bet similar photo can be made with many other cameras including compacts. Do not consider it as "an advertising" for the camera. In these days the cameras are so good compared to what was available just a few years ago. Thom Hogan wrote a nice text on quality of modern mirror-less cameras which also can be extrapolated to some degree on advanced compacts.

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