Friday 20 January 2012

How Fuji X10 clips highlights on glossy leaves

Umbrella tree, Schefflera actinophylla, in Victoria park, Herston. January 9, 2012.

I am still looking into the orbs issue, or WDS, on Fuji X10. This time I checked how the X10 behaves in bright daylight on glossy natural objects. For this purpose I took pictures of Umbrella tree with glossy leaves. The shot above was made shortly after midday, at very bright sun, to exacerbate the highlights clipping. The camera was in Aperture priority mode, iso 100, 12 megapixels.

The 100% crop from the original JPEG is posted below. As expected, the highlight clipping is quite pronounced but the clipped areas do not look like white discs. In some places the borders of the clipped areas are very sharp but I would not expect much from a compact camera.

I took several pictures of the tree, and for this post I used one with the highest level of clipped highlights. I also want to point that in such conditions I prefer to use a polarizer even with DSLR camera. 

100% crop from the image above

Update: I added the photo of the same Umbrella tree taken on the same day. In this image the highlight clipping is not pronounced. Keep in mind that the photos were taken around noon. The original image was cropped and resized.  

Umbrella tree, Schefflera actinophylla | January 9, 2012 | flickr

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