Wednesday 11 January 2012

Fuji X10: dynamic range

Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis molucca. January 9, 2011 | flickr

The Queensland sometimes is called the sunshine state. Indeed, the sun is very bright here, with a lot of UV. This bring us to high contrast in outdoor scenes and high dynamic range. Very often in photos taken with compact cameras the clouds were overexposed and blown out. 

Here come the Fuji X10, a jewel of compacts. On the top is the resized SOOC JPEG (straight out of camera). The bird, Australian White Ibis, has white feathers and black skin, which is very challenging to photograph. This snapshot was made shortly after noon time, in Aperture priority mode, iso 200, at 12 megapixels. A small cloud had blocked the sun for a moment, which helped a lot. I am very impressed with the output. It is possible to tweak the image and made it even better but I want to post the unedited photo. Below, as usual, is 100% crop from the OOC JPEG.

Moreover, the camera has a dedicated high dynamic range mode, and I suspect the results can be even better.

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