Tuesday 31 January 2012

Macro with Fuji X10

Damselfly Ischnura sp? Victoria park, Herston | January 31, 2012 | flickr
F4.0, 1/280 sec, iso 100

Finally I figured out how to make money with photography: I go to a small local park with the camera during lunch time instead of spending cash at canteen :-) Today the weather was very good, without bright sun, and I captured several images on Fuji X10. I used Macro mode at maximal focal length, or Supermacro mode, handheld. The first and third images were cropped, and second and fourth just resized. The Unsharpen mask was applied for all images after resizing.

Long-jawed Spider, Tetragnatha sp, Victoria park, Herston | January 31, 2012
F5.6, 1/320 sec, iso 200, supermacro

It can be T. bituberculata, T. demissa, Brown Long-jawed Spider, T. nitens.

Not identified yet, and it is not a macro :(
F4.5, 1/640 sec, iso 200

Exuvia, Victoria park, Herston | January 31, 2012 | flickr
F5.6, 1/250 sec, iso 200, exposure compensation -0.7 

The exuvia above apparently belongs to cicada but there are several cicada species in Brisbane. The 100% crop from the original JPEG is below. 

I wish the X10 had an additional supermacro mode on the long end of the zoom. The supermacro at wide end is rather limited in use, especially if you want to take pictures on dragonflies or spiders.

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