Thursday 12 January 2012

Fuji X10 at night

Royal Exchange pub in Toowong. December 12, 2012.

This picture was taken on one of my first outings with the Fuji X10. The Royal Exchange Hotel / pub is very popular among students from the University of Queensland and local folk. The picture was shot as a high quality JPEG at iso 1250, 12 megapixels, 11.3 mm, F3.2, 1/43 sec, handheld, with standard noise reduction, aperture priority mode. The image was resized and saved at standard quality in Olympus Master software. The 100% crop is below.

I have checked my pictures taken with Fuji X10 at night for orbs, or white discs. To be fair, I have very few photos taken at night with the X10, and all were taken in my early days with the camera, generally at default settings. These were snapshots. It turned out that some images are orb-free (see above) while other do have orbs, for example the car lights on the picture below do look like orbs, especially if you check the image at pixel level. I have not done any post-processing for these images except resizing and cropping. You need to click in image to see the bigger size.

 Sherwood road, Toowong. December 12, 2011.

 100% crop from the image above

IMHO these images have several other acute quality issues such as high noise and loss of details, and for me the orbs in the latter image are just one of the many issues, and definitely not the biggest problem. I noticed the orbs on this image only after I searched for these abnormalities. On computer screen these white discs look OK to my eyes. May be I need a bigger screen:-)

I would really appreciate if the readers of this blog can answer some questions for me.
First, how would you estimate the impact of the orbs on the last photo?
(e.g., the image is bad anyway, the orbs had ruined the image, the picture is acceptable at low resolution etc)
Second: do the white discs look unnatural on the resized/smaller photo of Sherwood road?

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