Friday 27 January 2012

Fuji X10 at night

Photographers | Brisbane, January 20, 2012 | flickr

A few more night shots from the Fuji X10. First two pictures were taken at medium resolution and high sensitivity / low noise mode. The picture above was taken at iso 1600, F2.2, 1/50 sec, and the photo of the pub below was made at iso 800, F2.2, 1/80 sec. The noise filter was set to low. I used a spot metering and auto white balance. It was pitch dark, so the photos are noisy. As I wrote earlier, the orbs / white discs are quite rare in images shot in the high sensitivity (EXR) mode.

I don't have any other high end compact cameras such as the Olympus XZ-1, so I cannot compare the X10 to other compacts "head-to-head". For me the night photos are noisy but still usable at small size. The orbs do present in some images taken in Aperture priority mode, at high resolution, but I don't feel that it is a major issue for me. Obviously I would prefer not to have the highlights clipping in shape of the white discs, especially in photos taken at low iso / long exposure, but the orbs are rather irrelevant to me. Again, it depends on personal perception, and I do understand that for some people the white discs are not acceptable.

Royal Exchange pub | Toowong, January 20, 2012 | flickr

The image below is shot at high resolution, aperture priority mode, iso 400, F2.8, 1/40 sec. The image was cropped and resized in GIMP. It seems to me that in this image the highlights clipping is quite acceptable.

 Performing Arts Center, South Bank | Brisbane, January 20, 2012

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