Thursday, 30 May 2013

Panasonic GX2 with build-in viewfinder

The most interesting development in camera world is happening on its periphery, in mirrorless / compact system cameras, and very often the innovative or interesting ideas are offered by companies without strong tradition in photography. This post is about rumored Panasonic GX2. According to the leaked specs the camera will have a new 18MP sensor and tiltable viewfinder. Finally, m4/3 guys decided to put a viewfinder on the side of the camera. Several Sony cameras such as NEX-7 have such arrangement, as well as Fuji X-E1 and X-Pro1. On other hand, cameras with a "hump" viewfinder such as Olympus OM-D E-M5 are fairly tall. The rumors also suggest in-body image stabilisation, which sounds a bit unlikely for Panasonic: the company got several optically stabilised lenses for their m4/3 cameras. It is not completely implausible. Olympus and Panasonic share some knowledge on cameras. I would not be surprised if Olympus would share its latest 5-axes stabilisation with Panasonic. Anyway, this would be one of the appealing MFT models, a compact and capable camera

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