Wednesday 22 May 2013

Bushwalking in Noosa Heads national park

Alexandria bay
Alexandria bay, Noosa Heads national park | Olympus E-30

Today was a rainy day in Brisbane, with grey skies and persistent drizzling. It is cold, by Brisbane standards, of course. It meant to be a start of a subtropical "winter". At day like this it is nice to go through photos taken on a nice sunny day in a nice place.

These pictures are from the Noosa Heads national park located north of Brisbane, in about two hours drive from the city. The park covers rocky hills near the Pacific ocean / Coral sea and it is a popular destination for tourists visiting Noosa or the Sunshine coast. Park is relatively small, but it has a diverse vegetation including Paperbark / Melaleuca forest, small patches of a coastal rainforest, big chunks of a coastal heathland and Banksia forest. Pandanus trees are common near the coastal line. The park is famous for beautiful beaches and koalas. The walking tracks go along the coast and inland, and it is possible to see the whole park in one day. It is very popular park with probably hundreds people walking on the popular track to the Hell's Gates, where turtles and dolphins can be seen on a good day. The inland tracks are more secluded.

I used to go there by train and Trainlink bus, but one way trip takes about 3 hours. Keep in mind that on weekends the car park fills up very early, especially during the high season, but generally plenty of parking spots are available in Noosa along the coast, one or two km north of the park.

Sea turtle at Hell's gates
Sea turtle at Hell's Gates | Olympus E-30 & ZUIKO 50-200mm SWD

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