Monday 20 May 2013

Bushwalking at Mt Greville - 2

View from Mt Greville
View from Mt Greville | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm
(check the previous post)

Mt Greville has several rocky patches without any trees, with pleasant view of Fassifern Valley and the Scenic Rim. The valley is widely used for agriculture but mountains belong to national parks or state forests. The vegetation is quite diverse. The track starts in dry eucalypt forest, or bush. The rocky spots are covered by shrubs and grass trees (the picture on the top). Upper part of the mount is covered by trees and shrubs, including some interesting grevilleas as on the picture below (note the small red flowers).

Grevillea linsmithii
Identified as Grevillea linsmithii, Proteaceae | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

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