Sunday 11 March 2012

Diversity of Euphorbiaceae

Fijian Fire Plant | Toowong, Brisbane, December 19, 2011 | flickr

 This picture was taken last year, shortly after I bought the Fuji X10. Tech: iso 400, F5.6, 1/105 sec, with exposure compensation -0.3. I guess it was shot in Supermacro mode. The original JPEG was cropped and resized in  GIMP. Generally I also apply unsharpen mask for images intended for the web. The 100% crop from the unedited JPEG is at the bottom of the post. Not bad for image from a compact camera made at iso 400 with negative exposure compensation.

Today I learned that this plant is a cultivar of Acalypha wilkesiana from Euphorbiaceae family. This is really surprising for me because the flowers do not look like Euphorbiaceae flowers. Well, the flowers are really small, so it was hard to see anything. The phenotypic diversity of plants from this family is just amazing.

100% crop from the unedited OOC JPEG

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