Tuesday 6 March 2012

A 'definitive solution' for orbs

Light rain at night | Toowong | Fuji X10 | February 8, 2012
iso 640, F2.5, 1/58 sec, EXR mode

A representative of the Fujifilm said that the company will provide a 'definitive solution' for the orbs issue in Fuji X10. According to dpreview the details will be announced in March. While orbs do not bother me I am curious to see how the company will deal with this issue. The first attempt (reduce orbs by firmware update) was quite remarkable because apparently the firmware 1.03 had very little if any impact on appearance of white discs.

Both images were taken with Fuji X10 and the JPEGs were resized in GIMP.

At train station | Fuji X10 | February 8, 2012
iso 100, F4.5, 1/42 sec, Aperture priority at 12MP

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