Tuesday 26 June 2012


The latest Samsung NX cameras are still not available in Australia (= absent in Teds Cameras shop :-) ). One of the possible explanations would be the high demand/low supply for these cameras. Indeed, I saw a lot of complains from people in on-English speaking part of the world who cannot get the NX cameras. While the NX20 is pricey, it is still cheaper than many other available alternatives, plus in some countries Samsung bundles 30mm pancake lens with standard kits as a promotion.  

However, I am  more curious about the replacement for Samsung TL500/EX1. The rumors indicates that the Samsung EX2  might be announced either today or very soon. It ts expected that EX2 will have AMOLED display similar or identical to NX20 camera and very bright lens. Presumably there will be two models of which Samsung EX2F will have WiFi: the model is already certified as WiFi device.

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