Poinsettias near the Old Museum building at Herston / Bowen Hill, Brisbane.
Fuji X10, iso 100, f5.0, 1/950 sec, exposure compensation -0.3
Red is very tricky color for many cameras including Fuji X10. The red channel can be easily oversaturated / clipped. I am more or less satisfied with the photo above but less so with the image below. Anyway, checking the histogram is a good idea if you have red color in your image.
The photo below was taken at iso 200, f2.8, 1/750 sec. The "red flowers" are in fact modified leaves called bracts. The plant is originated from Central America but now it is quite popular around the world. It is known under different names such as Poinsettia, Flor de Noche Buene or Ataturk Flower (in Turkey).
Remarkably, the US has National Poinsettia Day (December 12) established by an Act of Congress to mark the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett.
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