Monday 11 June 2012

cost of mirrorless

I guess the mirrorless cameras have less details than DSLR. The whole mirror mechanism is absent, and many mirrorless cameras do not have a viewfinder. So the manufacturing cost should be less than for DSLR. But now in Australia some Nikon DSLR kits are cheaper than Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras. Obviously, I am talking about cheap DSLRs such as Nikon D3000 or D3100. Also, Nikon 1 cameras have 1' sensor that is smaller than APS-C censor used in DSLR, and generally small sensors cost less...

Obviously, the cost depends on many factors including production volume, price of spare parts and cost of design. But do the camera manufacturers make any profit from entry-level DSLRs? Entry-level Canon DSLR kits cost below 600AUD while Canon Powershot G1X is priced at 800AUD.

I have not realized that now we have essentially 3 (three) companies producing "traditional" DSLRs. I am talking about cameras I can buy in Ted's. It seems that Sony moved to NEX and SLT models, and traditional DSLRs are mainly produced by Canon, Nikon and Pentax. Of these, only Canon does not play mirrorless game...

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