Monday 4 June 2012

New Olympus DSLR in 2012?

Ongoing lunar eclipse in Brisbane
Partial lunar eclipse. Brisbane, June 4, 2012. Olympus E-30 with ZUIKO 50-200mm f2.8-3.5 SWD

Rumors about a new Olympus product "even more exciting than the E-M5" circulate around the web for some time now. Recently 43 Rumors added some oil in the fire indicating that Olympus may release two DSLR cameras: replacement for E-5 and another model (something similar to E-30 or E-620). If true this move can make some people very happy. Olympus has very good lenses for 4/3 cameras, and many people probably will buy DSLR just because they already have the lenses. Lenses are the drugs of photography: expensive and very addictive :)

There are even some photos of "E-7" on the web that were noticed by 4/3 community on dpreview forum. From what I can see, the source might be the same.

New Olympus DSLR would not change the fate of all DSLR and probably would not attract many new users, but the current owners of 4/3 DSLR probably would be very pleased with ability to prolong the life of their glass. The E-5 is very capable camera, and replacement of sensor and processor definitely will be very welcome event. The same can be said about E-620. I doubt that the "E-720" will cut the sales of Olympus mirrorless cameras because it will be attractive mainly to current owner of 4/3 lenses.

Back to the photos. There was a partial lunar eclipse in Brisbane this night that I nearly missed. I took several pictures, and quickly posted on flickr. It is noisy, and I processed it in hurry. Can be done better.

In two days Brisbane will have chance to see the transit of Venus, the last in this century. It will be visibly for several hours. I have two options: put R72 on on 50-200mm lens and use swivel LCD monitor to position the camera. I may need step-down ring because the R72 filter is quite small. Alternative is camera obscura and supermacro on Fuji X10... May be I should try both...

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