Wednesday 3 April 2013

Fuji X100S in Australia

Yesterday I visited a local camera shop in Brisbane, and it turned out that 1) the shop already got Fuji X100S and 2) it was sold out. I mean cameras, not the shop.

Anyway, I've grabbed Fujinon XF60mm F2.4 R Macro for one week. I am not a professional photographer by any means. I am not even a photographer. While I am very satisfied with Fuji X-E1 and XF18-55mm lens, the close-up inability of XF18-55mm F2.8-4 OIS is a bit disappointing, so I investigate various options in this area. The easiest way to solve the problem would be a camera swapping: X-E1 on even days, and X10 on odd. Or opposite. But I was curious about XF60mm Macro, a highly recommended lens (photozone), so I rented the thing. My first impression after two days of an opportunistic shooting: it is slow. I mean the focus speed, of cause. Actually, it is very super slow. It is also noisy. On some subjects, e.g. red flowers, it just refuse to focus. I must to admit: these were tricky flowers. On top of it, it does not focus very close: it is not 1:1 macro. Yes, the macro mode was enabled through the Macro button. It still covers a fairly big area.

The lens has an old firmware, so, maybe this can explain the slow autofocus.

The only good thing: it will save me $600 :)

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