Friday 5 April 2013

Another day with Fujinon XF60mm Macro

I rented XF60mm F2.4 R Macro lens early this week. The lens came with an old firmware, so yesterday I updated software for the camera and lens. It did not help with the autofocus speed. The problem is at least partially in local weather: it is windy. More than half of my shots are out  of focus. But when it is focused - wow! It is good. Obviously, wind is the one of the worst enemies of macro, and yesterday I mainly tried macro. On top of it, I went for shooting after the work, and the light was somewhat suboptimal. But again, this is my common "real life" situation. Photography is a hobby and recreational activity for me. It is not test for lens. I am trying to figure out an optimal solution for my macro shooting, so, it is "lens and me" thing.

The lens has two faces: on one hand, it produces great images. On other hand, the autofocus takes time. I guess the lens requires certain skills, as any other specialised device.

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