Monday 25 March 2013

Renting Fuji X lenses in Brisbane

Some time ago I learnt that it is possible to rent some lenses in Brisbane from CameraPro. For Fuji X mount "the holy trinity" (18, 35 and 60mm) is available but the latest addition such as 14mm is not. I think I'll pay a couple visits to this shop in nearby future... The 60mm macro lens was on my "must to get" list but was postponed amid various reasons, and I am curious to try the ultimate 35mm F1.4... 

In meantime I added couple new links with reviews in the post dedicated to Fuji X100S. I am curious if this model can be my "carry around" camera, especially considering it's macro option. Obviously, the X100S lens is not true macro, and it is soft wide open at close distance but it is reasonably sharp at f8. Big plus: no hassle with lens swapping (and missing the shot).  

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