Tuesday 12 March 2013

Funny mushrooms with Fuji X10

Stinkhorn mushroom, Phallus rubicundus | Fuji X10

Yesterday I had Fuji X10 with me on my traditional lunch walk around the campus instead of Fuji X-E1. Why X10? The answer is simple: supermacro mode. I wanted to take picture of very small fruits/berries, about 5mm in diameter. Obviously, I took some other pictures, too, and in fact ended with flat batteries, both the main and spare. Yes, I am a real shutterbug, and it is just fun to use this camera. [I bet the same is true for other advanced compact cameras.] Both our cameras, X10 and X-E1, have very similar user interface, so it is very easy to switch between cameras. I wish both model would use the same batteries... I also got an impression that the rear screen in X-E1 is more useable / visible under different angles but I have not done any direct comparisons.

In Brisbane both X10 and X20 (which is not yet available) cost less than XF60mm macro lens for the X system. Fuji X100 is just $850 (AUD), $60 higher than the macro lens.

Funny mushrooms | Fuji X10

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