Tuesday 12 March 2013

Early review of Fuji X100S

Fujifilm X forum on the DPReview site is now very boring. The same can be said about FinePix forum. ORBs gone, SAB gone, not much left to complain about. People compare images taken at iso 6400 by X100S and Sony RX1 and want more primes. It is a golden moment for Fujifilm. Fuji X100S is among 100 top selling digital cameras on Amazon, Fuji X-E1 is still very popular choice among mirrorless cameras (Amazon), the XF14mm wide angle  lens got very good reviews - you name it.

Anyway, I went on X forum to find opinions on Fuji X100S. The camera is not available in Australia yet, and the same is true for the US but some people already got the thing. I found link to BrianKraft Photography blog with interesting opinion on the camera, including wonderful photos.

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