Monday 18 February 2013

Usual grumbling, or why I don't need a new camera

I came across a blog with a short preview of Fuji X20 and X100S written a couple weeks ago. According to the author of the blog, autofocus on both cameras is very fast. This is consistent with observation of DPReview team. With new sensors, new viewfinders and new autofocus units both cameras represent a big upgrade from the previous models.

Anyway, Fuji X100S is already available in Japan, and X20 is expected to be available in Australia next month, hence comprehensive reviews will appear in nearby future. The X20 is priced ~650 in couple camera shops in Brisbane (Digital Camera Warehouse and CameraPro), fairly attractive price considering new features. Personally I am not interested in X100S, and I would have hard time to justify acquisition of X20: our "family camera" X10 is is fairly new. But at least on paper (and from small bits of info from around the web) the X20 looks very attractive. Not that X10 is bad camera, the specs of X20 are better.

However, I  happy with the autofocus speed on Fuji X10. Generally I would consider myself as a limiting factor, not the camera :) The resolution of X10 is also "plentiful" for my needs. The viewfinder was / is a major disappointment, first for lack of any information including focusing points, second, it turned to be very painful to my eyes. I have this problem with several optical viewfinders including DSLR's but not on Fuji X-E1 (which was a pleasant surprise). So, I probably would not benefit from the new otical / hybrid viewfinder on X20. The quality at high iso is already good on X10 but it depends on amount of light. I wish X20 would have build-in ND filter and non-fixed screen but even these features would not be sufficient for me to justify the new camera.

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