Sunday 24 February 2013

Another wet day is coming to Brisbane

View of Brisbane from Mt. Coot-tha
Small rain cell at outskirt of Brisbane, February 24, 2013 | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

According to the weather forecast, Brisbane is about to get ~100-200mm of rain in next 24 hours, and  some area along the coast may receive up to 300mm. It is smaller than ex-cyclone Oswald but still significant. And it is not 2011 when some places around Brisbane got 250+mm for couple days in a row, on top of several rainy weeks. It is not windy yet. When the ex-cyclone Oswald hit the city a strong wind trashed local power lines.

This wet season is a bit strange. Brisbane have not got much rains in November, December and first half of January but at the end of January the cyclone brought heavy rains.

Both pictures were taken from the lookout at Mt Coot-tha, a very popular place with nice view of the city.

Rain over Brisbane
First rain of the wet season 2012-2013, September 24, 2012 | Fuji X10, in camera panorama

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