Tuesday 26 February 2013

Adobe updates the support for X-trans RAW

Adobe released Lightroom 4.4 and ACR 7.4 with improved support of X-Trans sensor from Fujifilm. The comparison with previous version of the Adobe RAW converter, in-camera JPEG and Capture One converter (Capture One Pro 7) is already posted by the DPReview team (check both pages).

Watercolor appearance is gone, and the color smearing is also significantly reduced. The test was done on X-Pro1, but X-E1 has the same sensor.

The release includes support for Fuji X100S and X20. It seems Fujifilm is working with Adobe because X100S is just appeared in shops, and I am not sure about X20 (in Australia it is expected in March). This is very good practice. I mean an advanced support of RAW conversion, not late shipping of the camera in Oz :)


Another informative post on X-Tras RAW conversion from SoundImagePlus blog.

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