Friday 22 February 2013


Japanese Lantern Hibiscus
Japanese Lantern Hibiscus | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

I took the picture of Japanese Lantern Hibiscus a few weeks ago on very windy day. Imagine how such flower behaves on windy day. This species is less popular in Brisbane than the nearly ubiquitous Hibiscus rosa-sinensis pictured below. The red channel looks over-saturated in Fuji image, but I like the picture.  After all, it is not indented to be a comparison of two cameras.

Few interesting things happen in the camera world. Nikon had announced D7100, very significant upgrade from the previous model. Interestingly, sensor in D7100 does not have an anti-aliasing filter. It is also rumored that Nikon may produce a compact camera with fixed lens and APS-C sensor, sort of Nikon version of Fuji's X100 / X100S. Not much known in term of specs but it seems that the focal lens will be similar to that on Fuji X-E1.

Yesterday Olympus posted a teaser with OM-D camera on Facebook. I was surprised to see so many comments from people demanding a new Olympus 4/3 DSLR. Actually, I do understand these people: just look on the picture below. Olympus can update sensor and anti-shake mechanism in Oly E-5 and keep the body. At least people can get an updated model if they need to replace their cameras. Fuji keeps the same body for X100/X100S and X10/X20, Nikon does the same thing with D7000/D7100. Numerous rumors predict a new camera with better compatibility with 4/3 lenses but some people need/prefer DSLRs. While I am not in this group, I would be glad to use my ZUIKO lenses.

It seems that Adobe will release a new version of Lightroom with better support of raw conversion for Fuji's X-Trans sensor.

Red hibiscus
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis | Olympus E-30

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