Thursday 10 January 2013

Walking in Lamington and image editing

Border track
Australian rainforest with Nothofagus moorei | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

On my last trip to Lamington national park the weather was nearly perfect. It was misty in some places but no rains or wind. We did one of my favourite walks at Green Mountains (O'Reilly's), 17 km Toolona creek circuit. It was unusually dry for this part of the year. It supposed to be a muddy walk but the track was dry. Not much water in the creek either, so we cross it in dry boots. I've never seen such so many tripods on one day in this area: we were not the only people with "big" cameras over there :) My Fuji X-E1 was the smallest and lightest camera, and I had a small Manfrotto digital tripod. The total weight of my photo gear including filters and batteries was under 2 kg.

Later during this week I saw my friend's photos from this trip properly processed in Photoshop. I was very impressed by what can be done with image by a skilled person. Obviously, the starting images were good: my friend shoot mainly RAW on D700 and he has couple nice lenses. Anyway, I was convinced to do something with my images and played with GIMP yesterday night.

The image on the top got the red color muted resulting in reduction of color intensity on the walking track. The dead leaves on the track now look brownish instead of reddish as on the original image. The color shift was done through reduction of saturation of for some colors (red in this case) in additional layer only for the track. The image below gives an idea about the original track color.

Nothofagus moorei
Border track | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

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