Saturday 5 January 2013

Mirrorless in 2013

Rainforest at Bithongabel
Rainforest at Bithongabel | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

I am taking rest after walk in Lamington national park. It is my "resting" writing :)

The previous year was fairly intense for mirrorless cameras.  Companies such as Panasonic, Olympus, Sony and Fujifilm had released advanced CSC models. Olympus OM-D E-M5 became the first mirrorless system camera democratically selected as the best camera of the year.

What to expect in 2013? Will it be quiet year or it will bring a lot of agitation to photographic community and numerous "rumors" sites?

It depends. In 2013 I expect to see ubiquitous introduction of a hybrid autofocus in mirrorless cameras. Just announced Samsung NX300 got this feature, and rumored Fuji X100s probably also will use it. So, the autofocus on new mirrorless cameras will be better. Olympus is expected to release the "pro hybrid" m43 camera that can work with 43 lenses. I mean fast autofocus here. Fujifilm probably will upgrade X-Pro1 model and address the focus speed. Two camera giants probably will take mirrorless market seriously in 2013 and release advanced models. Nikon is the only prominent camera maker without big-sensor mirrorless camera. Canon might add something to the existing EOS M. Obviously, Sony and Panasonic will make new good cameras :)

The new lenses for CSC models will appear in 2013. This is crucial for Fuji's X mount but it might look like a comprehensive system after release of wide and tele lenses later this year. IMHO, Olympus needs good standard kit zoom. The available options are either need a strong distortion correction or just too slow.

I am not interested in full frame mirrorless but many people are excited about this thing.

Nothofagus moorei
Toolona creek circuit | Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm

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