Thursday 3 January 2013

High iso nature shots with Fuji X-E1

Toolona creek circuit
Toolona creek circuit |  Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm, handheld at iso 1600, exposure compensation -1.0.

I am pleasantly surprised with high iso shots from Fuji X-E1. In both photos the exposure was about 1/60. It is a huge leap from my Olympus E-30. I mean noise, of cause. I've use the lowest noise reduction option, with high iso noise reduction on.

Both pictures were taken on one of my favourite walks in the Lamington national park, Toolona creek circuit.

Toolona creek circuit

Toolona creek circuit |  Fuji X-E1 & XF18-55mm, handheld at iso 1600, exposure compensation -1.0.

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