Wednesday 9 January 2013

Official samples from Fuji X20 and X100S

The official Fujifilm X site was updated with info on both X20 and X100S. The  sample photos are also there as well as description of key features including a "hybrid" viewfinder on Fuji X20. Both X10 and X100 are gone.

Fuji X10 is my first Fujifilm camera and now I am hooked on user interface and Fuji colors. I am happy with the resolution and have not used EXR modes much. For high contrast scenes I prefer to use 200% dynamic range because the noise at iso 200 on Fuji X10 is very low. With BSI CMOS sensor on Fuji X20 the noise probably will be even lower. The resolution probably will be better, too. But, as all cameras with small sensors, it will struggle in low contrast areas. The inclusion of an information panel into optical viewfinder is the most interesting upgrade. This thing can make OVF on the X20 useable. It seems that only Fuji and Canon keep the OVFs on the compact cameras, and at least on paper, Fujifilm has an edge here. Olympus XZ-2 can be used with an external EVF, so it is also a reasonable alternative for very bright light. While I have not seen any X20 review yet, on paper it looks like a serious upgrade over the X10.

Appearance of X-Trans sensors on two new models increases chances of good third-party support of RAW development which is important for some people. I was really happy to switch back to JPEG with Fuji X10 and now with the X-E1. In most situations I am very happy with the white balance on both cameras, and Fuji X-E1 at 200% has amazing dynamic range. The resolution exceeds my needs on both cameras.

This time Fujifilm recycled the mechanical part of the X10 and updated the electronics (sensor, processor, information panel, fast hybrid autofocus). The same or similar lens, the same button layout, no ND filter this time. Very wise decision considering how good and well-thought is the X10 body. In comparison to X10 the UI of Fuji X-E1 feels a bit immature because of "dead controls": inactive buttons and dial in some shooting modes. Fuji X-E1 UI definitely can be better.

It seems that Fujifilm will make many people happy :-)

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