Wednesday 29 August 2012

X-E1 is a smaller version of X-Pro1

Few more images of rumoured system camera from Fujifilm are available on the web. I will miss White Balance button. While Auto WB on Fuji X10 is good in most situations sometimes I use Custom WB. It should not be a big issue for me. The Fn button will be set to iso. I generally use camera in Aperture priority mode, so the Shutter speed dial is essentially useless for me. I guess it is very handy for Shutter priority mode, so I may change my shooting habit. It seems that the X-E1 is slightly smaller than Fuji X-Pro1.

It looks like another great camera from Fuji. If the price will be below 1000 USD, the camera will be instant hit. In Australia Olympus E-P3 kit is priced at 1000 AUD, and Sony NEX 7 kit costs 1500 AUD.

It is not pocketable camera. It was not designed to be pocketable. It should be very comfortable camera.

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