Tuesday 3 July 2012

Samsung EX2F for $549

According to engadget.com the new camera from Samsung, EX2F, will be priced at ~$550. The lens now goes to ~80mm/f2.7. So, the specs are good: 24mm/f1.4, BSI sensor, Full HD. Can be a very nice camera.

However, it is unclear if the AMOLED display can work as a touch-screen. According to dpreview, the NX20 display is not a touch-screen. The camera has only one Fn button, and no White Balance button. Than the control for exposure metering (spot, full frame) would be hidden in the menu, as well as selection of autofocus points. The move record and exposure lock buttons are placed at the top left of the rear panel, where I probably would press them accidentally. Hard to say without direct testing. Hopefully the white balance is good because there is no dedicated button. The camera has Delete button, so it would erase photos even after zoom-in. I cannot do it on Fuji X10 because the delete function is on mode dial, and it is impossible to assign Delete function to Fn or RAW buttons. Obviously, it is very personal opinion, and the full specs of the camera are still unknown.

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