Saturday 7 July 2012

Good reading

Kirk Tuck wrote a very good post about popularity of Olympus mirrorless cameras such as OM-D, so I'll keep it as a useful link.

The same logic can be applied to current advanced compact cameras. Some people find the image quality is just sufficient for their needs, and such cameras represent reasonable compromise for usability and quality. I really like size and controls of Fuji X10, and because I rarely shoot in orb-prone conditions I am quite satisfied with the image quality. It does not mean that all people should buy advanced compacts and get rid of DSLRs. But some people will be very happy to do that.  

Here are just a couple snapshots of Begonia flowers taken with Fuji X10 on a windy day at iso 250, f4.0, in Supermacro mode. The photos were cropped and resized in GIMP, and unsharpen mask was applied to the final images. For pictures like these I am very happy to carry a compact camera instead of a DSLR.



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